Monday, February 27, 2012

King of FalaFel

I have now experienced the delectable goodness of falafel! I stopped by the Vendy Award Winner The King of FalaFel. So here is why I don't like getting street food...whilst studying abroad in London, my bff and I went to Italy on a Contiki tour. His #1 rule was not to deal with money on the street. I have carried that rule with me throughout my life nervous that people will run by, snatch my beat-up, 8 year old vera bradley wallet and covet the lack of money and ample supply of embarrassing pictures and my Beautiful Gold Starbucks Card. Damn their eyes and sneaky hands. So that is why I don't do street food. And it creeps me out. Except desserts, I'll eat those. So last week I decided, yes, this is it. This is a respected King, he deserves my money. All $6 of it. I approached the stand, in the rain, and confidently placed my order that I had rehearsed in my head probably 10 times. Here is how it went:
Him: What do you want?
Me: Chicken Platter
Him: Hot Sauce or White Sauce
(I was not ready for this question)
Me: uhhh not spicy, uhhh white, I want white sauce. yes.
Him: Yellow rice?
(what is this, 20 questions?)
Me. Yes.
(a few minutes later)
Him: $6
(I proceed to drop my umbrella on the ground, upside down, fish around my purse for my wallet, and try to find money. Stupid, I think, you should have had money in your pocket!)
Me: Thank you
Him: Go away
(just kidding, that's what he was thinking)

BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT. DELICIOUS!!!! The medley of rice and chicken and falafel and tomatoes and lettuce and not spicy white sauce. I dipped into an intense food coma after this wishing I had consumed my food slower but simultaneously wishing I could finish my tin of food.

Also, I'm listening to Britney Spears right now.

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