Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Grand Forks...and Knives

I need to do a shout out to my dad who is in Croatia for a month teaching a group of students all of his marketing/business/entrepreneurship knowledge. He, like I, am passionate about food and is keeping a blog about his adventures. He started this documenting a few summers ago when he worked with his good friend in his pizza kitchen on Long Island, Grana.

Read, eat, enjoy!

Latina Cabana

L and I met last night to first get our cupcakes from Sweet First in Astoria. This adorable little bakery offers movie and tv show themed cupcakes. L opted for the Terminator 2 while I chose the Little Rascal topped with fluff, graham crackers, chocolate and syrup. Tasty, but for $2.75 I would have hoped for a little bit of a bigger treat.

After fetching our cupcakes, due to the 8 o'clock closing, we walked to our next destination for dinner. Unfortunately along the way we witnessed a man getting hit by a car. He was ok and sitting up. Police, fire dept and ambulance all arrived within 10 minutes of the incident.

When we decided it was appropriate for us to leave we tentatively made our way to dinner at Latina Cabana on Steinway. Please note the Yelp deal. Do not use this alone. Use this with at least one to 10 people, you will have enough food. L and I sat down in this divey, themed restaurant, ordered our coca-colas and started ordering.

Here's the list:
Pork Empanada
Chicken Empanada
Pernil con arroz and sweet plantain
Cubano sandwich
Omlette with sweet plantain y other things

Yes, we had left overs, we aren't animals.

L's absolute favorite was the pernil. I think it could have used a little sauce but that just may be my southern pulled pork needs more bbq sauce attitude shining through. My favorite which I conveniently have for lunch today is the Cubano sandwich. This traditional sandwich was made on a soft bread doused with what I can only guess to be butter. That caught my attention.

If you go, don't be in a rush as service is a bit slow, but made up for in lots of flavor. There is also a carry-out option too.