Thursday, June 30, 2011

Restaurant Week

FYI: Restaurant week is July 11-24

Please see my restaurant page for recommendations or if you need some inspriation on where to dine!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 cream! (Eat indoors)

First stop Ronnybrook at Chelsea market. Got a chocolate gelato cone. Major fail when a gust of wind sprayed chocolate all over my top, I guess it was worth it though. Advice: Eat indoors. 

Next stop was Love Gelato this evening. My partner in crime and I were surprised at the high prices for a small cup. We each paid $9.75 for the 'largest' size which was only 3 scoops. The gelato was delicious though. I got dark chocolate, chocolate caramel and hazelnut. S got pistachio, stracciatella, and hazelnut. Instead of ice cream spraying all over me I got pooped on by a pigeon. Advice: Eat indoors.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Night of Entertaining

K's Pizza with Roasted Red Pepper, Button Mushrooms, Mozzarella, and Roasted Garlic Cloves

My dish - half gone, vanilla yogurt, blue berries, strawberries, and raspberries - perfect for a hot summer day!

So sophisticated - baguette, brie, and fig spread - delicious

I'm a big girl now, I serve olives. Watch out.
Mid-week entertainment with friends. Check out the fun pictures. For dessert people brought cookies, banana bread, cherry ice cream, AND a banana cream pie from Rachel's Pies. So good.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ice Scream, You Scream

I came across this little number about a week ago in New York Magazine . Yes it's true, it's a guide dedicated to ICE CREAM! And yes, you guessed it, in my competitive spirit I have accepted the challenge of making it to as many of the places on the list as possible.

Monday Sundae
I have already been to:
#6 Big Gay Ice Cream Truck and had the Monday Sundae which is shown in the slideshow. I'm not one to love soft serve ice cream, but this was delicious with the Nutella lined cone, dulce de leche ice cream, whipped cream, caramel and sea salt (pictured above in my greedy little hand).

#10 Grom and had a cup of pistachio gelato. It was a very nice taste although not as sweet as I would have hoped but refreshing all the same.

Next week I am going to #4 Il Laboratorio del Gelato (please look at the list of flavors, it's ridiculous) and another one this weekend...which one??

Back in the High Life Again

Under the 30th st. entrance to the High Line

This past Saturday my friend, K and I ventured to the High Line. It was perfect and sunny. My beautiful farmer's tan is evidence of this trek. To my surprise there were food vendors set up under the entrance at 30th st. and 10th ave. Since the hot weather called for a smoothie I indulged in a strawberry-raspberry Thai basil smoothie from Taim Falafel & Smoothie Bar. I wouldn't have minded a thicker, sweeter drink but it was refreshing and able to cool me off for the half hour it lasted.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Use What You Have

Mission: Use what is in the fridge and stop spending money on take out


Fridge contains:
Chicken Breast
Salt / Pepper / Rosemary / Hot Chili Flakes

Prepare mise en place with chopped onion, celery, and apple. Cut chicken into cubes. Place in pan with oil. Add vegetables and fruit. Add Salt Peppa Rosemary and Flakes. Cover and let it simmer in the juices. Once cooked place on top of a bed of lettuce. Enjoy the wonderful combination of spicy, sweet, crunch, and comfort.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pizza Pizza

First, I apologize that I do not have pictures of the pizzas. It is out of pure laziness that this has happened. Sorry.

Dough from Trader Joe's.

Pizza #1: Red sauce base, roasted yellow tomatoes, artichoke quarters, and shredded cheese.

Pizza #2: Bali BBQ sauce, shredded chicken, roasted garlic, and dollops of ricotta.

Pizza #3: Red sauce, slices of fresh mozzarella, fresh basil, and prosciutto.

My favorite was pizza #2. The sweet, spicy, tangy flavor was delicious.I highly recommend having a pizza night with your friends. It's a great way to try unusual combination's of toppings getting everyone involved in the cooking process.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Word of the Day: Pomaceous

pomaceous \poh-MAY-shus\
1 :
of or relating to apples
2 :
resembling a pome
The back porch held a sweet, pomaceous aroma, and immediately Glen knew that his mother had baked an apple pie for dessert.
"This Festival is devoted to the mysteries of Plant Reproduction, especially that of those wondrous trees, the Angiosperms, with special emphasis upon the Drupes and the Pomaceous Fruits." — From Margaret Atwood's 2009 novel The Year of the Flood

"Pomaceous" was first planted in the English language by physician Edward Baynard when, in 1706, he advised, "Apples and pomaceous Juices, are the greatest Pectorals." ("Pectoral" is now a rarely used word for a food that helps digestion.) Since then, "pomaceous" has mainly been sown by botanists and poets. The word, which is ultimately derived from Late Latin "pomum" (meaning "apple"), was originally used of apples and things relating to apples, but later it was also applied to things that look like pears. (Pears, like apples, belong to the pome family.)
Thank you Merriam-Webster

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Five Leaves

Five Leaves in Brooklyn is a fantastic place. Full of energy, Australians, and delicious food. Let's get right to the good stuff. S and I shared two apps.

Grilled asparagus with sunny side up duck egg, pine nuts & young ginger - lemon butter AND The house made ricotta with figs, fresh thyme, honeycomb, maldon sea salt and fruit-nut bread. I usually fear asparagus because at my house it has always been prepared the same way and sometimes turns out...rubbery. This asparagus was crisp and flavourful. The best part was breaking the duck egg and watching the yellow stream spill over the spears. This dish was divided easily with 4 spears being served. Next we got the Cheese, Fig, Bread combo. S didn't like it as much as I did. The bowl of ricotta cheese had honeycomb nestled in waiting to be discovered by the delicious bread. It was an interactive dish fun for the hands and mouth.

 For my main course, at the recommendation of a friend I indulged in the Five leaves burger with grass-fed beef, fried pineapple ring, house pickled beets, harissa mayo, organic sunny-up egg, with a side of truffle fries. Again, I got to break another egg! It was messy and ran all over my hands and plate. The combination of beets, eggs, pineapple, and ground beef was so interesting and fulfilling. The messy burger was juxtaposed with my Aperol Sprtiz in an elegant champagne flute containing aperol, prosecco, orange peel, and a sugar cube (yes, very similar to the drink I had at Gramercy Tavern). S enjoyed the Grilled Whole Brook Trout (as a vegetarian she did not partake in my meaty mess) and sipped on the Winthrop Gimlet which was quite refreshing.

I did not take this lovely picture.

The atmosphere was hip and happening - I sound like my mom. The street noise was a little irritating as we sat on the sidewalk but we dealt with it as it was a lovely evening. Our Australian waitress was a hip lady who was friendly and enthusiastic about our meal plan. As always I must comment on the bathroom. It was clean, lit, and a latch lock (does anyone else have the same fear that someone will walk in the bathroom with those button locks?). The sink was leaking but was being fixed as soon as I exited. After our meal we stepped into Hipster Central - McCarren Park where S and I felt completely out of place in our Banana Republic and Loft outfits, but yet right at home as we had just experienced a superb meal at a local restaurant.